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Pearl Powder is made from 100% pure fresh water pearls. All of pearl's active constituents are preserved in the process and they are made totally bio-available for maximum bio-absorption and effect. It is said to have extremely high concentrations of calcium and minerals as well as is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It’s also been found to promote cell regeneration and because of these healing and purifying properties, some hospitals even use pearl powder to treat wounds and topically by sprinkling it on the affected area. Because of these benefits pearl powder has also been used to clarify the complexion and treat acne. Its natural anti-septic also has been said to be the reason it doesn’t need preservatives and helps to preserve creams and other cosmetics it’s included it. With this, pearl powder is claimed to be good for lightening hyperpigmentation – because of its antiinflammatory and blood cleansing functions. The nutritional value of pearl is amino acids and calcium, and the percentage of calcium can range from 30 to 80% of a pearl’s composition. This level of calcium is excellent in calcium deficient persons with issues such as osteoporosis. Not only is pearl powder extremely cheaper than pharmaceutical calcium pills, but a little goes a very long way. In most individuals, a small pea sized amount of pearl powder is enough calcium for an entire week. For other ailments that may affect the stomach or intestine, pearl powder has the ability to coat and heal major organs. Most known is its ability to make digestion easier for people with stomach and intestinal issues like indigestion and chronic constipation. There is speculation that pearl can minimize pain from sores and ulcers, and, possibly, help to reduce the sores and ulcers themselves. Meta-Labs Pearl Powder may promote/assist in -  

• Collagen Regeneration      

• Fine Lines/Wrinkles & Sagging    

• Elasticity increased     

• Helps give skin a Great Glow 
Vegetarian capsules (pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free), rice powder. 




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product above is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.


SKU: 00102
  • Meta-Labs Pearl Powder may promote/assist in -  

    • New Skin Growth  

    • Collagen Regeneration    

    • Indigestion & Ulcers  

    • Skin Cell Aging & Deterioration Prevention    
    • Fine Lines/Wrinkles & Sagging    

    • Elasticity increased    

    • Dark Patches & Liver Spots    

    • Helps give skin a Great Glow 
    Vegetarian capsules (pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free), rice powder. 

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